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Matcha Kits

Every Tea Master knows the importance of Matcha Kit. These kits are not just for brewing tea, they create a personal space and time, for peace and reflection. By finding the perfect Matcha Kit, you'll find a Moment of Zen in Every Sip. Tako a break from today's fast pace living and find your Moment of Zen.

Matcha Kit Essentials: Flavor of Tradition in Every Sip!

Welcome to the vibrant world of Matcha where tradition and simplicity dictate the pace. A Matcha Kit isn't just a set of tools; it's a path to connect you to an aincent tradition, bringing the art of Japanese Matcha tea-making into your home. Whether you're a Matcha novice or Tea Master, these kits promise a fun and authentic experience, turning every tea preparation into a mini ceremony of its own!

Exploring the Matcha Making Kit: Every Tool's Tale

A typical Matcha Kit includes:

Chawan (Matcha Bowl):       
The vessel where the magic happens. Its wide brim allows for easy whisking

Chasen (Bamboo Whisk):      Bamboo Whisk
The key to a frothy, the Matcha Whisk. Its fine tines whisk the powder into a smooth blend.

Chashaku (Bamboo Spoon):      Bamboo Scoop
A traditional tool to measure the perfect amount of Matcha powder.

Furui (Sifter):    
Used to sift Matcha powder for a clump-free tea.

Kusenaoshi (Whisk Holder): 
Preserves the shape and extends the life of your bamboo whis

How to Make Matcha in 4 Simple Steps

  • STEP 1:
    Instructional image with text for Matcha tea preparation, displaying a Matcha whisk in a bowl of hot water.

  • STEP 2:
    Matcha tea preparation steps showing a bamboo Chishaku scoop alongside a sifter positioned over a Matcha bowl.
  • STEP 3
    wooden scoop scraping Matcha powder through a sifter into a Matcha bowl, with instructional text
  • STEP 4
    guide to whisking Matcha tea, showing a bamboo whisk in a bowl with green Matcha mixture
  • STEP 5

Tips for Cleaning and Sustaining Your Matcha Kit

  • Clean Right Away: Clean your whisk and bowl immediately after use with warm water.
  • Air Dry: Let your tools air dry, especially the bamboo whisk on its holder.
  • No Soap on Bamboo: Avoid using detergents on bamboo tools to preserve their natural state.
  • Regular Sifting: Regularly sift your Matcha to prevent clumping and ensure a smooth tea every time.

Choosing Your Matcha Kit: Find Your Perfect Match(a)

Selecting the right Matcha Kit can be as personal as the tea itself. Here's how to pick the perfect one for you:

Matcha Starter Kit  - Set of 3 Pcs
Just starting your Matcha journey? Then you need to look for a basic matcha starter kit with 3 essential items:
Japanese Matcha Tea Set of three pieces, a bowl, whisk and scoop.

  1. Bamboo Whisk (chasen)
  2. Spoon (chashaku)
  3. Bowl (chawan)

These kits are perfect for daily use, offering simplicity and functionality. 

Matcha Ceremonial Kit - Set of 8 Pcs
If you're more serious about Matcha making, consider a ceremonial matcha kit. Alongside the basics, look for a Tea Caddy (Natsume),Tea Towel (Fukusa), Whisk Holder (Kusenaoshi) and a Sifter (Furui) to ensure a clump-free, smooth experience.
Japanese Matcha green tea full ceremony set with gift box.

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